Are you in your comfort zone?

Several biological studies have shown that a frog placed in a kettle with the same water as in its pond will remain static for as long as we heat the water, even if it boils. The frog does not react to the gradual increase in temperature (changes in environment) and dies when water boils.

On the other hand, if a frog were to be put into a cauldron of boiling water, it would instinctively leap out to escape the danger

Many times in life we ​​act just like boiled frogs. We remain in our comfort zones, whether in life, or in a personal or professional environment. Time passes, and there we remain, even if unhappy. Why? Often we have a wretched fear of risking change, we fear the unknown. Our thinking process goes something like: “this is actually not that bad” or “what if I take a risk and things get even worse?”. We rarely think about the breadth of possibilities that life offers us or the enormous potential that we have as individuals, and we continue living our lives like that, floating and apathetic while the water is warming up.

On the other hand, the frog jumping from boiling water knows or has the gut feeling that if it doesn´t get out fast it will die. It may even get a little bruised, but it  understands the consequences and will move forward with courage to face the challenges and the good surprises that life offers. And you, how do you deal with change?

About Steve

Steve Hevesi is an executive and business coach, consultant and facilitator dedicated to developing business executives’   leadership skills, work performance and self-confidence. He will help you uncover and materialize unseen opportunities.

Steve has 25+  years of international experience in Fortune 500 companies in marketing, sales and general management. He was CMO of Nabisco and Nike in Brazil, COO for the Gerber Baby Products business in Brazil and CMO for Dentsply/Sirona Latin America. He also has 10 years of experience as a business and strategy consultant helping middle market companies and start-ups achieve and exceed their business goals. He believes that many business and managerial issues can be effectively resolved  with a future looking, solution focused approach.

Steve Hevesi

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